My New Toilet Arrived!

In a previous post I blogged about having won an Ebay auction for an “old oak antique potty chair chamber pot commode with drawer.” Well, it arrived yesterday. It has surpassed all my expectations. The thing is beautiful, and sturdy–you can totally sit down on it.

My youngest son’s jaw dropped when he walked in and saw it (in the, ahem, eating area of the kitchen). His quote: “I’m not going to pretend that’s not cool. That is really cool.”

And my mother-in-law came over for dinner last night. Her response? “What an interesting piece.” (To get this reference, you have to click on that previous blog.)

A few readers helped me speculate about what the very narrow drawer at the bottom is for. I am almost positive it would have been used to store torn-out pages from catalogues and whatnot, to be used < shudder > as toilet paper.