Fetching Names

Screen Shot 2014-08-29 at 2.55.25 PMIn case you’ve recently acquired a new dog, and are wondering what to name it, look no further than the early fifteenth-century manuscript called The Master of Game. Appended at the end is a list of suitable names for your hunting dog. Here are some suggestions:









Another medieval manuscript suggests Huiiau, which doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, and Blessiau, which would invite the inevitable snide rejoinder “But I didn’t sneeze.” Still, your dog would likely be the only one at the dog park with such a historically significant name.Screen Shot 2014-08-29 at 3.00.14 PM

Screen Shot 2014-08-29 at 3.01.28 PMThen again, there’s always Max or Cooper.


Source: Kathleen Walker-Meikle, Medieval Dogs 
Images: Miniature of Canis Minor, in tables from Ptolemy's Almagest, from the British Library
Harley 2278 f. 44v Lothbrok's dog from the British Library
Detail of a miniature of a Lothbrok's dog leading a knight to Lothbrok's body. Harley 2278   f. 45v the British Library