Did Van Gogh Really Cut Off his Own Ear?

512px-Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_106That’s what students of art history have always been taught—that the artist, who suffered from severe depression, sliced off part of his left ear during a low moment. He then wrapped it up and brought it to a brothel near his home, where he presented the gruesome gift to a woman there.

But recently, some art historians have speculated that there may be a very different version of the story. Van Gogh and his friend, fellow-artist Paul Gauguin, were neighbors for two years in Arles, France. According to the alternate story, on December 23, 1888, they quarreled. Van Gogh threw a wine glass at Gauguin, and Gauguin—an experienced swordsman—retaliated by pulling a rapier on him.

Van Gogh may have promised not to tell because he valued their friendship. We’ll probably never know what really happened.

Incidentally–I did say it was his left ear. But in the painting above, it’s his right ear that is bandaged. Try holding your left earlobe while looking in a mirror. Is it still your left ear in the reflection?

Source: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=103990820
image via wikimedia